JOIN NEOPA HERE! - EJoin User Guide
What are the Benefits of Union Membership?
Our union is a member-driven organization. That means members are the ones who make decisions about our priorities, and how we will interact with the district. Members have input into our bargaining priorities, can attend union meetings, and have the right to vote on our contract and other issues. Our members run our organization, from our building representatives to our executive board, and we are excited about the addition of your voice.
Additional member benefits include:
- Professional development opportunities.
- Educator Employment Liability Insurance Program (up to $1 million in coverage) – the district does not provide coverage.
- Legal representation for employment related issues.
- Reimbursement for legal fees/costs for the defense of criminal proceedings arising out of employment if exonerated.
- Discounted personal legal services from attorneys participating in the attorney referral program.
- Deep discounts for local and national shopping (insurance, car rental, restaurants, etc.).
The benefits of membership are only available if you join the union, so please join us!
How Much are Union Dues?
We are proud of our high membership numbers. Our members know that dues more than pay for themselves over time, as without the union, we would not be able to join together to negotiate the salary and benefits package you will enjoy as an employee. If our membership weakens, we will not be able to protect the financial gains and other working conditions we have been successful in gaining for our members over time.
Dues are based off your total annual salary and pro-rated by the amount of time you work, or your Full Time Equivalent (FTE). 1.0 FTE is full-time, .5 is half-time, etc. Note that the amount may vary depending if you are contributing to NFCPE and the highest WEAPAC tier